
Policies of RedwoodAge.com

Visitors using this site are advised of the following policies:


It is the intent of RedwoodAge to publish news and information that is accurate, timely and of interest to a broad cross-section of our community. We urge our readers to bring inaccuracies to the attention of our Editor, and it is our policy to correct them as soon as feasible in a consistent position on our home page.

Journalists who report and edit stories for RedwoodAge are expected to follow the highest ethical standards of their profession. They are prohibited from writing news stories in which they have a personal financial interest and they are barred from accepting cash, valuable gifts or other rewards from any individual or organization about which they write.

Bloggers on RedwoodAge are recruited largely because of their opinions and their effectiveness in expressing them. Their views are intended to further community discussion of issues of broad concern. Unless otherwise indicated, they do not speak for this organization or its management.

Readers who contribute to forums, letters to the editors, comment areas or other forms of content are solely responsible for their submissions. All submissions become property of RedwoodAge upon submission and may be published, edited or withdrawn at the discretion of the editorial staff.

Readers who engage in misconduct, including, but not limited to, articles that could potentially be viewed as obscene, libelous, fallacious, or otherwise in flagrant opposition to the expressed principles of RedwoodAge may be restricted from publication at the discretion of the editorial staff.

Visitors to RedwoodAge are encouraged to become participants in public discussion, but do so entirely at their own desire and accept any and all risks, real or perceived, that may ensue from such participation. The management has taken every reasonable effort to assure high standards for this publication, but assumes no liability resulting from the consumption of any material that may be provocative in nature.


RedwoodAge is pleased to accept advertising from respected companies offering high-quality goods and services that support the goal of enhancing the lives of our community.

RedwoodAge does not accept advertisements for liquor, gambling, adult entertainment or certain other categories that it deems to be inconsistent with the site’s guiding principles. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement.

Our advertising and editorial departments work independently, and there is no connection between our editorial coverage and advertisements from our sponsors.


All content from bloggers, site visitors, or Redwood Age contributors that is published on RedwoodAge.com becomes the property of Redwood Age, Inc. in perpetuity and may be republished in any medium, in full or in part, at the sole discretion of Redwood Age without any obligation to the originator.

All content published on RedwoodAge.com is copyright by Redwood Age, Inc. and may be subject to additional copyright protection by The Associated Press or other companies. All rights are reserved by RedwoodAge.

No words, pictures, sounds, video that appear on RedwoodAge.com may be used by anyone in any medium without the express prior written consent of the Editor. Consent may be withheld for any reason.

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Any unauthorized use of the content on RedwoodAge.com is strictly prohibited and violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of U.S. and International law.


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